Contact Information
Visiting and mailing address:
Pinassi Oy
Laivanvarustajantie 1
21660 Nauvo
Phone: +358 40 501 4720 or +358 400 520 676
Business ID: FI23865349
Invoicing addresses:
For electronic invoices (in Finland): 003723865349
For paper invoices:
Pinassi Oy/Ostolaskut
PO Box 55
20811 Turku
Taking Care of Environment
To us, taking care of environment means making right choices. We have made e.g. the following choices:
- We utilise the possibilities of doing business electronically as much as possible.
- If possible, we send and receive our invoices electronically.
- We avoid unnecessary printing.
- We prefer online and phone meetings in order to avoid unnecessary travelling.
- Our business cards are printed on recycled material.
- Our office is heated by geothermal heat pump.
- The electricity we use is EKOenergy certified by The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
- In our car, we use Neste MY renewable diesel
- We sort, recycle and compost.
We make new choices when they are due.